Denver Raw Feeders is a co-op organized to enable members to purchase Ross-Wells products and other purchases on a co-op basis as opportunities present themselves.

Co-op purchasing is not like purchasing from a retail store. Sometimes, there may be delivery date changes or delays; other times there may be product shortages. We are restricted on where we can take product delivery due to the perishable nature of our products. We therefore restrict applications for membership to individuals who have been referred by existing members only.

We ask referring members to be willing to mentor their member referrals on such things as how the group operates, the pickup process, etc.

Click on the following button to join Denver Raw Feeders. Note: All membership applications are subject to review. Please complete the membership application in full and submit it. After we receive and approve your application you’ll be directed to log in and complete the membership payment process. You cannot place Denver Raw Feeder co-op orders until you’ve completed the full membership process, have been approved, and paid your membership fees.

[ ==>Join Denver Raw Feeders<== ]